Olimpiadi internazionali di inglese

Maggio 4, 2021 Categoria: ,


On Friday April 9th our first year middle school students and selected students from first and second liceo took part in the International Hippo English Olympics.

While the high school students (level B1) completed the test online the middle school (level A1/A2) had the opportunity to do the test in class.

The students completed various reading and listening comprehension tasks and we are delighted and proud to announce that forty students have passed the preliminary round.

The students will sit the semifinal round on Saturday May 15 th which will take place online where the students will complete the next level of the listening and reading comprehension and also a writing task.

The semifinalist candidates are:

Alessandro Gasparini
Beatrice Cenni
Flaminia Maccario
Lorenzo Penna
Angelica Dominici
Valentina Gattas Spadaro
Gualtiero Ciardi
Anita Stella Ghetti
Francesca Benedetta Maggi
Agnese Bonzio
Niccolo’ Micheletti
Cecilia Ramella
Edoardo De Mozzi
Sveva Barbieri
Laura Pinciroli
Riccardo Benassi
Elena Bissoli
Camilla Coen
Francesco Valenti
Marta Donatone
Diego Ippolito Menniti
Chiara Camerano
Carla Maria Ferraris
Leopoldo Maria Palleroni
Carlo Campi
Maria Teresa Capolino
Eduardo Grilletta
Giovanni Levon Agopyan
Giulia Magrini
Aurora Tieghi
Edoardo Maria Colciago
Giovanni Grasso

Giulio Beltrami
Margherita Mignanelli
Giulio Volontè
Benedetta Pasca
Martina Falciola
Ginevra Picozzi
Lavinia Ceresole

Alessandro Tomasi

Congratulations to all the participants and best of luck in the next round!

prof.ssa Bernadette Walshe