Ambasciatori in terre arabe

Novembre 21, 2019 Categoria: ,
I Leoniani davanti alla grande Moschea Sheik Zahed

I Leoniani davanti alla Gran Moschea Sheik Zahed

Riportiamo qui sotto, in tutta la sua autentica genuinità, il reportage dell’esperienza del Change the World Model United Nations, che 24 nostri studenti del primo anno dei Licei hanno vissuto nella prima settimana di novembre presso il campus della New York University di Abu Dhabi, accompagnati dalle prof.sse Eva Gold e Bernadette Walshe.

Da diversi anni proponiamo questo ambizioso progetto con un po’ di coraggio agli studenti che hanno appena iniziato il cammino nei nostri Licei. Si tratta di una sorta di battesimo dell’internazionalità che prepara e anticipa un percorso lungo e collaudato che accompagna i nostri studenti fino alla Maturità.

Coraggio e fiducia sono stati ben ricambiati, visto che le studentesse Cecilia Santa Maria e Ilaria Sciuccati hanno anche vinto una onorificenza, scrivendo il miglior position paper nella simulazione del Consiglio di Sicurezza in cui erano state inserite.

Prof. Paolo Tenconi
Responsabile dei Progetti

In formal dress, pronti ad iniziare il lavoro di simulazione del CWMUN Emirates 2019

In formal dress, pronti ad iniziare il lavoro di simulazione del CWMUN Emirates 2019

Our experience in Abu Dhabi

Change the World Model United Nations is a program for students of middle school, high school and university. It consists in a three-day experience in Abu Dhabi, New York, Singapore or Rome where students play the role of ambassadors of different nations, discussing a specific and real-world issue. During this period students simulate real assemblies and debate serious topics like they do in UN. Everyone tries to express the ideas of their nation. The final goal is to coalize with other countries of the world to write a resolution to solve the general topic/problem.

Every day we woke up and had breakfast in the NYU campus with students from other schools in the world. The first day we visited the Abu Dhabi mosque which was wonderful and amusing; then we had the opening ceremony. In the other two days we simulated the UN assemblies about “Strengthening religious tolerance” and “Children abuse, violence and exportation”. During the committees we discussed with other students and found out a resolution for the problems. We had the opportunity to attend Francesco De Gregori’s concert and a Q&A with Paolo Rossi and Marco Tardelli. We also listened to an Italian magistrate, Giuseppe Ayala, who told us about his story related to Falcone and Borsellino. On the last day we had the closing ceremony where two of us won an award.

It has been a fantastic experience; it helped us improve our English speaking skills, we met people from other countries around the world, we visited a city with a totally different culture than ours and we enjoyed every moment of it. In conclusion we strongly suggest this project to anyone who could be interested in it.

Antonio Pau, Filippo Astolfi and Chiara Crivelli